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Results – National Titles 2016

The results for the 50th Australian Titles are in!! It was exciting racing at Yarrawonga Yacht Club, with a very brisk Day 1, followed by light shifty winds that tested the skills and patience of all sailors. The positions were hotly contested and positions were up for grabs right down to the very last race. What a series! Congratulations to everyone involved and a big thanks to Yarrawonga for hosting this event.

1.The Fury (521) – Peter Nixey and Murray Town

2. Miss Bling (566) – Dan Osinga and Craig Finger

3. Ruthless (546) – David Wise and Tony Ritter

4. Petronella (556) – Will Jones and Emily Jones

4. Dilligaf (567) – Brian Clarke and Martin Burd

6. Miss Muffet (532) – Laurie Alderton and Cathy Nuttall

7. Firewind (537) – Dennis Paton and Michael Beck

8. Magnum (545) – Martin Smith and Sam Byass

9. Flying High (505) – John Weston and Penny Smith


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